QR Code

Would you like to use a QR code to promote your church calendar(s) or groups widget(s)? Here's how.

Jason Alexis avatar
Written by Jason Alexis
Updated over a week ago

QR codes are an easy way for people to view your Display.Church calendars and groups widgets. As soon as you publish a calendar or a groups widget in the Install tab, Display.Church will automatically generate a QR code. You can take a screenshot or download.

How to get to this item

After signing in to Display.Church...

Step 1: Go to your Calendars or Groups view. To do this, click on Calendars or Groups (left-hand most column in image below). You will see a list of your calendar views or groups widgets.

Step 2: Click on the name of the calendar or groups widget for which you wish to create a QR code. Your calendar or groups widget will open.


Groups Widgets

Step 3: Click on the Install tab.

  • see the image above for a Calendar example (blue arrow in image above)

  • see the image below for a Groups Widget example (yellow arrow in image below)

Step 4: Publish your calendar or groups widget. To do this, toggle on the Make this widget available to others button. It will turn blue.


Groups Widget

Step 5: The QR code will auto-generate and appear below. Take a screenshot or download.


Groups Widget

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