Hopefully, you have a lot going on at your church. While there is lots of choice for everyone, you need them to be able to find what interests them, so they show up. Offer your calendar viewers a search option.
This feature does not work for the Tiles calendar view.
How it Works for the Viewer
| (1) Your viewer clicks on the search icon (magnifying glass), located above the first event in your calendar view. |
| (2) Your viewer types in keyword(s) on the search input line (see blue keyword and arrow in image to the left).
(3) Your viewer clicks on Search (yellow arrow in image to the left).
(4) The Display.Church search logic matches those keywords to items in the event title or the event description. |
| (5) The screen refreshes with the found items.
To clear the search and return the calendar view to the original status, your viewer:
The screen refreshes back to the original view with all the events. |
Where this Feature is Located
After you log in to Display.Church...
| Step 1: Click on Widgets to open your product options (if necessary). |
| Step 2: Click on Calendars. |
| Step 3: Choose the calendar you wish to modify. |
| Step 4: Click on Design (blue box in image to the left).
| Step 5: If you are using Featured Highlights, make sure you are in the Main Design section (blue box in image to the left).
Step 6: Scroll down to the Search section (yellow arrow in image to the left) and click on the arrow to open it. |
How to Work With This Item
Customizing colors (in general)
| Default: what the color will be if you do not change it |
| Enable search: Toggle on this button so your viewers will see the search option.
| The search icon (magnifying glass) will now appear above your calendar view.
| If you prefer, you can keep the search open. No need to click the icon. Perhaps clearer as to where the search is. To do this:
Keep search expanded: Toggle on this button.
| Notice that the input line says 'Search events'. This is the default.
To customize, locate Placeholder. Type in your preferred label. We have typed in 'Type keywords here.'
Note the change in the text on the input line.
Customizing the Design
Search toggle button (light blue box in image below): the search icon (magnifying glass)
Placeholder (yellow line in image below): the text in the input line, currently says 'Type keywords here'
Submit button (dark blue box in image below): the button which says 'Search'
Above are the default colors for these items. You can customize them to fit your church branding.
Background color: the color when the search option is closed --> Grey in image below
Background color hover: the search option is closed and you mouse over the icon --> Green in image below
Background color when expanded: Blue in image below
Icon color: the color of the icon (magnifying glass) when the search option is closed --> Red in image below
Icon color hover: the search option is closed and you mouse over the icon --> Purple in image below Icon color when expanded: Green in image below |
Background color: the background color of the input line --> Light blue/green in image below
Text color: the color of the keyword(s) your viewers type on the input line --> Blue in image below
Text color placeholder: the color of the placeholder text on the input line --> Green in image below
Clear button background color: Purple in image below
Clear button background color hover: the background color on mouse over --> Orange in image below Clear button icon color: the color of the 'x' --> Red in image below
Clear button icon color hover: the color of the 'x' on mouse over --> Orange in image below
Input border: the color of the frame --> Pink in image below
Background color: the background color of the search button --> Green in image below
Background color hover: the background color of the search button on mouse over --> Blue in image below
Text color: the color of the word 'Search' --> Brown in image below
Text color hover: the color of the word 'Search' on mouse over --> Green in image below