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Design: Forms (PCO)

Show or hide Planning Center forms which need to be completed for events. Modify description and label of shown forms.

Jason Alexis avatar
Written by Jason Alexis
Updated over a week ago

Do your Planning Center events sometimes have forms which need to be completed by attendees?

Give them the links to the online forms with this design option.

To find this design section...

Step 1: After you log in, click on Calendars.

The Your Calendars page will open.

Step 2: Choose the calendar view you wish to modify.

The calendar view you chose will open.

Step 3: Click on the Design tab (brown box in image to the left).

Step 4: Click on Forms (turquoise box in image to the left).

To modify the items in this section...


When the Show event form(s) button is toggled off (greyed out, as in the image below), two things happen:

#1. No other options appear in this section.

#2. No forms appear in your event details.


GOLD #1 in image above: Show event form(s) button

When the Show event form(s) button is toggled on (blue, as in the image above), two more options appear: Form Section title and Form link button label.

TURQUOISE #2 in image above: Form Section title

This design item gives a name to your form. As you can see, we typed in "Name of form" and this is what appears in your calendar view. We suggest giving a meaningful name to your form such as Picnic form or Bible study form.

BROWN #3 in image above: Form link button label

This design item gives a name to your action button. In other words, the button your viewers click on to register/sign up/etc. As you can see, we typed in "Action button for viewers" and this is what appears in your calendar view. We suggest giving a meaningful name to your action button such as Register or Sign up.


Forms are shown only for events that have a registration URL in PCO. See example in the image below (turquoise box and arrow in image below).

Click Save at the bottom of the column to confirm your changes.

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