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Syncing your integration

Information on automatic and manual syncing for your integration with Display.Church.

Jason Alexis avatar
Written by Jason Alexis
Updated over 10 months ago

Syncing your Display.Church (D.C) calendar views with your integration(s) keeps the information on your D.C calendar views up-to-date. Here is information on automatic syncing as well as how to do a manual sync on demand.


Automatic syncing depends on your plan.

As shown above, the automatic syncing is as follows:

Starter plan: automatic syncing once per day at 3 am UTC

Medium plan: automatic syncing once per day at 4 am UTC

Pro plan: automatic syncing twice per day at 12 am UTC and 12 pm UTC

FAQ: Can you edit the automatic sync times?

Answer: No, you cannot. We recommend the highest plan since it offers two daily automatic syncs.


Manual syncing is unlimited. In other words, you can manually sync at any time.

No matter which integration you are using, the process is the same.


Look at the main menu in the left-hand most column of your screen. Choose Integrations.

The Integrations screen will open:


Click on More Actions (those three dots, brown boxes & arrows above) in the integration you want to sync. The following dropdown menu will open:


As shown, there are two sync options.

Option 1 (brown above): Quick Sync - Recommended

This option will update existing data. This is recommended when you would like to pull newly added events ASAP instead of waiting for your auto-sync.

Option 2 (yellow above): Full Re-Sync - Caution

This will wipe all synced data while keeping calendar settings such as filtered groups, etc. This option should be used when more changes have been made on the integration end like moving groups across campuses, changing tags or groups on events, etc.

NOTE: To use this option, you will need to click OK on the following confirmation:

The confirmation reads: "This will wipe your events data and sync data, and sync your data from scratch. It may take some minutes. During the sync, your calendars will not show any events."

Click on your preferred sync option.


The screen will refresh to show you that the sync is in progress.


Once the sync finishes, the screen will refresh to show the details. As shown, this sync was done on October 12, 2021 at my 10:32 am -- the date and time in my location.

You will also receive an email letting you know.

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