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Display.Church Integration: Google Calendar --> How to set it up
Display.Church Integration: Google Calendar --> How to set it up

Walkthrough of the GCal integration.

Jason Alexis avatar
Written by Jason Alexis
Updated over 9 months ago

This article gets you started with the Display.Church (D.C) Google Calendar (GCal) integration.


Log in to D.C.

Option 1 (for first-timers only)

In your Dashboard, click on Integrate with the platform of your choice. D.C will take you to the Integrations page.

NOTE: This is a one-time method. After you set up at least 1 integration, this option will be greyed out as completed.

To set up further integrations or manage existing integrations, use the method below.

Option 2 (good for first-time and every time)

Look at the main menu in the left-hand most column of your screen. Choose Integrations.

Either way, the Integrations page will open.

Here is a closer look at the GCal integration...

Why do some integrations have gold crowns?

The gold crown means that the integration is premium (only available with paid plans).


Step 1: Click on the blue and white Start integration button.

Step 2

The New Integration page will open.

2a. Click on the relevant Scopes (Calendar, Events Attachments, Places). For more about Scopes in general, jump to this article.

Events Attachments (optional): If you choose this scope, you will need to share your dedicated Google images folder with Display.Church using this email -->
Dedicated Google images folder?!?! : )
Google's sharing protocols require this. It's easy, and we walk you through it:

2b. Click on the button Sign in with Google.

Step 3

3a. You will be redirected to the Sign in with Google screen.

3b. The screen will refresh to the image below. Give persmissions to Display.Church here. Click Select all or the check boxes of the permission(s) you wish Display.Church to have.


It would be natural to be nervous about giving an app access to ALL your Google Drive files. This is why Google verifies every app that uses Google Drive and Calendar services.

Submitting the app we must describe the usage of the restricted services and then after app submission, there is a manual verification by Google employee.

Having said that, should you still feel unsure, you do not have to give access. The only limitation is that D.C will not be able to pull in your event images.

3c. Now select the calendars you wish to sync with Display.Church.

Step 4

The screen will refresh to the Integrations page.

After the first sync is complete, you will see something like this:


1: The GCal integration is now active.

2: Who has created this integration.

3: Last sync date and time.

4: Confirmation that D.C is syncing with GCal automatically.

5: More actions: Click on the 3 dots to open the dropdown menu (image below).

You will also get a confirmation email. Make sure to check all your folders -- sometimes important things end up in Spam!

Congratulations! Now you are ready to begin adding calendars and customizing them to your church branding.

Here is the next article you need: General Overview of Display.Church.

Have fun!

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