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Display.Church: General overview
Display.Church: General overview

Did you activate your account? Did you set up your integration? Here are your next steps.

Jason Alexis avatar
Written by Jason Alexis
Updated over 11 months ago

We are assuming that you activated your account and set up your integration.
If you did not yet, please do that now.
For easier navigation back to this article, we suggest you open the link below in a new tab/page.

Please choose the article which matches your integration:

Section 1: Granting access to your calendars

Choose the website(s) which will display your Display.Church calendar or groups widget views. Here is the article you need:

If everything has gone well, you will see a screen like this one.

Now, you are ready to create your first calendar.

Section 2: Creating your first calendar or groups widget view

You will be able to customize the design, look, and feel of your calendar or groups widget view.

Calendar Views

(all integrations)

Groups Widget Views
(Pushpay/CCB and Planning Center integrations only)

Step 1: Click on Calendars.

Step 1: Click on Groups.

The calendar dashboard will open.

Step 2: Click on the blue Create new Calendar button (right side in image above, closeup below).

The groups dashboard will open.

Step 2: Click on the blue Create new Group Widget button (right side in image above, closeup below).

Step 3: Depending on your plan, you will see up to 6 calendar views.

Step 3: Depending on your plan (and integration), you will see up to 4 groups widget views.

Step 4: Choose your view.

Step 5: Complete the mandatory information.

We suggest giving your calendar view a meaningful name. A good idea is to give it the name of where you plan to embed it or which page you are embedding it on.

Step 4: Choose your view.

Step 5: Complete the mandatory information.

We suggest giving your groups widget view a meaningful name. A good idea is to give it the name of where you plan to embed it or which page you are embedding it on.

Step 6: Then click on Create.

Section 3: The Design tab

The number of sections depends on the view chosen.

In each section, you can turn things off and on.

You can also choose things such as color, font, and number of events to display.

To help you, the Design tab has two icons: Spotlight and Help article link (see above image).

Spotlight: Click on spotlight to see where the particular design element is located.

Help article link: Click on the link to be redirected to a help desk article giving more information about the design item.

There is also a Settings search. Type in a keyword or key phrase to search for design items.

NOTE: We do our best to keep up with these articles as we add new views. At the moment, not every design item in every view has an article. So, if you need more help, please get in touch via the chatbot on our website:

When you are finished designing your calendar, click on Save.

Section 4: Publishing your calendar or groups widget view

Publish your calendar or groups widget view in the Install tab.

Step 1: Click on Install (blue box below).

Step 2: Click on the downward arrow to open the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Click on Published.

Section 5: Sharing / Installing your calendar or groups widget view

People need to see your calendar in order to use it. We will do this via the Install tab.

NOTE--- The walkthroughs below are for calendar views. It is the same process for groups widget views, just the text says 'widget' instead of 'calendar'.

Sharing your calendar or groups widget view

When your screen refreshes, you will see that you now have a sharable URL (brown box below). As the note on the screen says, this is the URL to use in an email or any Instant Messenger App - like on a mobile phone.

If you want to use this URL, you can copy it by clicking Copy.

Embedding your calendar on your website

If your platform is not available, continue as below.

Although the Quick setup takes a bit less time, it often causes issues and conflicts with website software. As a result, it is not recommended.

Step 1: As you hover near Default setup, it will turn blue. Click on the arrow to open this option. You will see the following items.

Step 2: Click on website in the pink box above. You will be redirected to the Your Websites page.

Here is how to work with this page. We suggest opening it in a new tab so you can easily return to this article.


Step 3: Copy the html code in #1 (below) and install it into the head of your website. This is a one-time thing. If you cannot access the head of your website, you will include this html code in the next step.

Step 4: Copy the html code in #2.a (above) and put it on the page on which you want the calendar or group widget to appear.

If you need to, put the html code from #1 on the page BEFORE or AFTER the html code from #2.a.

If your calendar or group widget is not displaying properly, try using the html code from #2.b (above) instead.

As you can see from this example, the html code from #2.a is before the html code from #1.

Step 1: As you hover near Quick setup, it will turn blue. Click on the arrow to open this option. You will see the follow items.

Step 2: Click on website in the pink box above. You will be redirected to the Your Websites page.

Here is how to work with this page. We suggest opening it in a new tab so you can easily return to this article.


Step 3: Copy the first choice of html code (below) and put it on the page on which you want the calendar or groups widget to appear.

Step 4: If this does not look good, try the second code option (in Experimental section above).

Step 5: If neither of these work, use the Default setup instead.

Section 6: Creating additional calendar views

Once a calendar is created, it is not possible to change its format. In other words, you cannot change a full calendar to events view, neither could you change a cards (list) to a cards (grid) view.

To enable other views, simply click on +Create new Calendar (brown box below), choose the view you want, and proceed as in section 3 above, Creating your First Calendar.

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