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0.1 Getting Started
0.1 Getting Started

General overview (good for everyone), FAQ

Calendar views by planWhich calendar views are available to each plan?
Display.Church: Activating your account
Display.Church: General overviewDid you activate your account? Did you set up your integration? Here are your next steps.
Display.Church Integration: Google Calendar --> How to set it upWalkthrough of the GCal integration.
Display.Church Integration: Planning Center --> How to set it upWalkthrough of the PCO integration.
Display.Church Integration: Breeze--> How to set it upWalkthrough of the Breeze integration.
Display.Church Integration: Pushpay/CCB --> How to set it upWalkthrough of the Pushpay/CCB (CCB) integration.
Display.Church Integrations: How to set them upGet started with the integration(s) of your choice.
Pushpay/CCB integration: Modifying an API UserNeed to make some changes to your the API User in Pushpay/CCB which you used to integrate with Display.Church? Here's how.
Google Calendar: Creating calendars and eventsAdd calendars. Add events to your calendars. Add images to your events. It is all here.
Choosing a calendar templateSelect a calendar template to create a new calendar view.