Event ALERTS is an automated, 'set it and forget it' statement which gives information about an upcoming (or happening now) event. This innovative tool drives conversion and saves you time. You can customize when and where to display the event highlight based on different settings, and you won't have to manually update – the highlight will disappear once the event is over!
NOTE: You can set up as many Event Alerts as you wish. HOWEVER...
Only one alert will display at a time. The display order is by date. In other words, any later event alerts will be overlain by the most current event alert.
See an example in this video:
To create a new alert, click on the blue +Create new button.
To work with an existing alert, click on the 3-dots in the Action column and choose Edit from the pop-up menu.
Change the name or integration of your alert here. | |
| In this section, you choose the website on which to display your banner.
If there are no websites to choose from, this means that you have not yet given Display.Church access to any. Check out this helpdesk article for the 'how to': http://help.display.church/en/articles/5429485-managing-your-websites
You also choose the pages:
In the next section, you will organize your main filtering. You use the connectors 'and' + 'or' to mix and match. This filtering logic is powerful (and a little complex). So we have given it its own article: https://help.display.church/en/articles/7890338-setup-events-filtering-logic
| Notice that at the bottom of the page there is a line which says: Events matching filter criteria (turquoise arrow in image to the left).
Click on this line to show a list of events which match the conditions you chose with your filters.
Click on the blue Update button to confirm your changes.
| ConfigurationLocation
Type in your opening and closing messages. See example below. |
Some of the items begin with the word 'initial'. What does that mean?
There are many styling options for your Event Alerts. One group is colors. You can match your church branding. Or perhaps you want to match the color scheme of an event.
Let's look at an example...
The two views below show the Display.Church default color settings.
Here is how the Event Alert looks at the start:
Then it changes to:
Before we begin, here is more info about the colors
Initial background color: The color of the banner background when it first appears.
Background color: The color of the banner background after a second or two.
Initial text color: The color of the text when it first appears.
Text color: The color of the text after a second or two.
Close button color: The color of the 'x' in the second view. [You cannot change the
color of the 'x' in the initial view.]
Close button color on hover: The color of the 'x' on hover.
DEFAULT SETTINGS (See how this looks in the images above this table) | CUSTOM COLORS (See the changes in the images below this table) |
If you are not yet familiar with using our custom color picker, check out this helpdesk article: http://help.display.church/en/articles/4314468-using-the-custom-color-picker
Using custom colors...
Here is how the Event Alert looks at the start:
Then it changes to:
And hovering over the close button:
| Font FamilyChoose the font for all your text and numbers EXCEPT the numbers in your countdown timer (if you choose to show one).
Default This is the choice of the Display.Church application.
Inherit In this option, the font is inherited from your website or other embeddable component.
Custom Step 1: Click on Custom. It will show the default or inherited font. Click on the X (brown box below) to erase this choice.
Step 2: If you click on the capture line, you will see the message, "No options" (brown box below). There are many options, but you need to start typing to see them.
Step 3: Begin typing on the capture line (brown box below). As you can see (blue arrow below), a dropdown list of options is populating. If you know the name of the font you wish to use, type in the name. If not, scroll down the list, choose fonts and experiment with how they change the look of your calendar and/or events list.
In this section, you will choose the colors of your CTA.
Not sure how to use our Custom Color Picker yet? Click here. |
2024.03.18: The countdown timer will automatically not display for all day events even if it is toggled on. In other words, Display. Church will override the toggle.
SETUP Show countdown timer: Toggle this on to show a countdown timer; toggle off not to show one. Choose the font for your countdown timer numbers. Work in the same way as Typography in the Design: Design section (jump above to that section). SIZE Choose the size of your numbers. |