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Setup & Design: Recurring Events

Mark events which repeat (often on a regular basis) with an eye-catching badge.

Jason Alexis avatar
Written by Jason Alexis
Updated over a year ago

Use our Recurring Events badge to highlight certain events.

There are two parts to this design item

NOTE: Mix and match the two parts to get the results you want.

Part I

The Recurring Events filter in Setup


Step 1: After you log in, click on Calendars (brown box below).

The Your Calendars page will open.

Step 2: Choose the calendar or events list you wish to modify.

Step 3: If you are not already in the Setup tab, click on Setup (brown box below).

Step 4: Scroll down until you see Events Filtering.


The filters you see in the Events Filtering section will depend on your integration





Yet, in each section, you will see the Merge recurring events button At the moment, it is toggled off (greyed out in image below).

Toggle this button on (blue color in image above) to activate the feature.


To understand how it works think of the events on the screen as a 'page' of the events. For example, when you choose Show all events, your page is every event from the beginning till the end of the month. If you select Show 3 events, then your page would be the next three events from now.

A recurrent event will be shown once per page.

  • If you choose Infinite scroll, a recurring event will be shown once. If infinite scroll and month navigation is on then it will be shown once per selected month.

  • If you choose Show all events, you will see one occurrence per month.

  • If you choose Show only upcoming events, you will see one occurrence per month. Past recurring events for that month will not be shown. On the next month they will be shown again.

  • If you choose Show (#) events, you will see one occurrence per number of events you chose. For example, if your recurrent event is every Monday and today is Monday, it will appear once. If Show event page scroll is on and showing the next events, it will no longer appear, even when scrolling to the next week. However, if today is Tuesday, scrolling to the next Monday (the Monday of the following week), the recurring event will appear again.

  • If you choose Show current week events only, you will see one occurrence per week.


In the image above, note that both Evangelism Series and Kidz Min appear on December 1 AND December 2.

However, in the image below, Evangelism Series and Kidz Min appear ONLY on December 1 (the first occurrence of these events).

Part II

The Badges section in Design

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